Monday, February 13, 2012

Benefits of green tea

The green tea is a Chinese variety of Long Jing, rich in health benefits, such as polyphenols and catechins, which are substances that help with drainage and anti-oxidant.

The green tea began to be used 3,000 years ago in China for its remarkable health benefits. Even in ancient Chinese knew that the green tea had the power to cure the headache, and helped them to eliminate toxins and preserve youth. But for years no other culture had been paying attention to this brew, and it is only a couple of years many scientific studies have shown its many benefits. Today the plant's green tea is grown in all countries with tropical climate and is known worldwide.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Arum- even green shade

The arum stands on bare ground because they enter into vegetation and produce a rich clump when all other plants are still dormant. It 'a wild plant which affects the wealth of foliage, pleasant to the touch, almost sumptuous shapes. It may still be considered a very common plant, not easy to find on the market. You can buy the rhizome in some market or fair stalls specializing in bulbs.

Reproduction and conditions: the presence of arum in the garden is usually multiplied by seed or cuttings root. Place this plant in a shady and cool, so I can live long and produce a more beautiful and rich vegetation. The wetting should be suspended in the dormant season and only in the face of continuing drought is advisable to moisten the soil. When the plant is wet vegetation on a regular basis.